Any of our products can be purchased directly from Estima, shipped to anywhere in the world. See the orders page for details if you would like order directly from us.
However, we also sell our products through a variety of resellers. You can use this web page to find listings of resellers in your area.
We are pleased to have several resellers who work closely with our products and will usually have copies of our main products in stock and ready to ship immediately. Click on Stocking Dealers to see a list of these resellers.
To see listings of resellers in your area, click on a country name in the list at left.
Reseller: Timberlake Consultants
Phone: +44 20 8697 3377
Email: info@timberlake.co.uk
Unit B3, Broomsleigh Business Park
Worsley Bridge Road
London SE26 5BN